JAMB Result Checker 2023/2024 Using Registration Number on Portal/Via SMS

Want to check jamb result 2023/2024 online? This is a simple but complete guide for all UTME 2023/2024 candidates that wants to see what they scored in the jamb exam they sat for.

jamb result officially out

With a good number of JAMB candidates having taken their exams, and some candidates who missed  their exam with a plan to reschedule their exams, a hint given by JAMB.

The big question right now in the mind of most jamb candidates is ” when will jamb results be out? Well, while jamb has promised to release the results 48 hours after each paper.

we are in the final hours to the release of all jamb results. some results are ready as we speak. so keep checking through the SMS options that is the first place you are to get the notification of your result

And am pretty sure you also want to check and print your Jamb 2023/2024 result, that is the main reason why you are here and also why I created this post.

How to use the jamb result checker 2023/2024 will be outlined in this article.

With no wastage of much of your time, I will move to the major steps that you need and also the things you will need or need to know.jamb result

Let’s dive right in.

How To Check Jamb Result 2023/2024 With Registration Number

click here to check your result with SMS

1) UTMERESULT to 55019 or 66019. please send UTMERESULT (without spaces) via SMS to 55019 or 66019 


  • Type RESULT
  • Send it to 55019 or 66019
  • Wait for few few minutes to get a response.
  • SMS charges is 50 naira.

Okay, here are the simple steps I told you before in the beginning of this article.

  1. Go to the jamb portal to check results 2023 at https://efacility.jamb.gov.ng/login , just click on the link. or https://slipsprinting.jamb.gov.ng/CheckUTMEResults
  2. Enter your jamb  registration number or the email address you used for the registration.Jamb result
  3. Click on the button below it that says: “check results“.
  4. Your jamb score will be shown and you can either download it or print it out directly from www.jamb.org.ng result checker portal .
  5. That’s it.

JAMB Result Checker 2023/2024 Via SMS

There is also a new method for checking jamb result that was recently introduced in 2019.

It is checking your jamb score through SMS on your phone.

Note: It is not free but cheap, as it will only be via SMS and not online.

This is what I call the offline jamb score checker.

So, how will you do it?

  1. Send RESULT to 55019 (Jamb Number) as a message using the number or SIM that you used during the jamb registration .
  2. Make sure that the RESULT is in capital/ uppercase letters.
  3. Fifty naira will be deducted from your SIM.
  4. You will receive a response shortly containing your jamb results score with the scores you had in each subject you sat for..
  5. Congratulations, you have successfully checked your  jamb result through message or SMS easily.
  6. Using this method does not restrict you from using the other methods in this post.

How to Check  JAMB Result Offline (via SMS)

All candidates that have successfully written the exams conducted by JAMB can now send UTMERESULT (no spaces in the sms ) via SMS to 55019 or 66019

It’s a must you send this message using the same phone number that was used to register your JAMB.
More also you should have sufficient airtime balance on your phone before you can perform the operation. The minimum credit balance should be 50 Naira only.
Your request will be processed by JAMB and your result delivered to you instantly.

The following are the responses to be expected:

Are you making use of a phone number not link with your jamb profile? Once your phone number was not used to carry out the registration process, he or she will receive the following response: “This phone number was not used for registration.

If your jamb result is ready you should receive the following message: “Dear Mr/Miss Xyz, your jamb result is as follows… (and further information like your jamb score and other information will be provided in the sms).

If it happens that a candidate jamb result is withheld, such candidate will receive an sms like this “Result Withheld” text notification from jamb.

Let’s say a candidate result is still under investigation and clarity issues then jamb will send the following sms to the candidate. “Result withheld pending the upload of clarifications/document required from you,

Believe me There are candidates that where absent from the exams due to specific reasons. Candidates that were absent will get this sms “CANDIDATE ABSENT

There are candidates that will get this sms “Invalid Entrance into the Exam Hall.” it means that they are not duly cleared before entering into the exam hall

How do you check your original JAMB JAMB result Online

Before you attempt getting your original JAMB result then and again you should log into jamb official portal. The results can only be printed on jamb portal.

Here is our latest detailed and informative instructions, that teaches you how you could access and print your own original JAMB result.

Here is the original JAMB Portal @ https://portal.JAMB .gov.ng/ExamSlipPrinting/CheckUTMEResults. All that is needed from you is to kindly use your correct details to get the original JAMB result you need. Jamb registration number and email should be valid.

Alternative To Check Your 2023 Jamb Result Through Email

Do you know that it is possible for you to also see what you scored in the jamb 2023 cbt through your email?

Yes, it is possible.

But it is just that, you may not receive any email from jamb.

This is why you need to be checking your email inbox everyday.

If you check your email and you saw any message from jamb, open it.

Check the mail if there is any attachments, normally your result will be attached.

If there is, download it. It may be in a PDF format or png/jpg.

Proceed to any nearest computer cafe for the printing out of your utme 2023 result.

As you should know, it is not free.

If you did not find anything from jamb in your email account, please try the other methods I gave you above.

The Best Way to Check JAMB Results Online (via SMS)

  • All applicants of this year’s jamb exam, who has written their exams can now start checking their result by just sending “UTMERESULT” (without any spaces) to the numbers 55019 or 66019.
  • The rule is that, the only number that can access your result is the number used to register jamb. so get that SIM and send the SMS as instructed above.
  • Additionally, while sending the SMS, a 50 service charge will be taken from your balance. this means that if you don’t have 50 naira it will not be processed.

if everything is in place then jamb will, display your result as text message.

The following reactions are ones we can anticipate:

if you use any other SIM apart from the SIM used to register jamb, you are going to get this message “This phone number was not used for registration” that is why we asked you to please use your SIM linked to your jamb profile.

JAMB result checker portal login with registration number

When will jamb result be out: The Joint Admissions board has given a hint why it took them a little longer as expected before the results are released.

The board has expressed worry over fraudulent activities, multiple registrations and more also the issues of impersonation that was noticed before and during the exams.

How Long Does it take for JAMB Result to Come out

It is expected that the result will be out within 48 hours or a little longer than that.

If result are not released before 48 hours the delay might be as a result of cross examination of performances of students and how they conducted themselves during the exam.

Those who got themselves entangled with exam malpractice and fraudulent activities will get delay in their results being released. Centers where this irregularities where widespread, JAMB might be forced to flagged such centers untill investigation is conducted.

For example if everything goes well, candidates that wrote on Saturday, should expect their result being ready latest on Monday. Candidates that wrote like on Monday, their results will be out and ready by Wednesday; candidates that took the jamb exams schedule on Tuesday, will get their results marked and uploaded by Thursday . While Wednesday and Friday will get their results finalised by next week.

Do You Have Complaints Checking JAMB Result?

Currentschoolgist.com has tried to provide an accurate answers that are related to every query you have searched for.

I Sent Result to 55019/66019 But no Reply


The problem might be connected to the phone number. Make use of the phone number tied to your jamb profile or used during registration.

Secondly, once you send a message to Jamb and get no response just wait a little because the portal might be busy as many people are out there trying to check their results.

Check your credit balance and Ensure your credit balance is up to the balance that the network provider will charge you upon checking your result.

Have you been able to check your jamb result?

Did you encounter any problems trying to check it?

Or in case you have any questions, drop them in the comment section below this post.

You will get a reply from me as soon as possible. Thanks for taking your precious time to read this article.

How Many Times Can I Check My JAMB Result?

Please keep this in mind, JAMB will never restrict any candidates from gaining access to his or her results. you can check your jamb result as much or many times you ever wish to check it.

go through the normal procedure we have outlined above, to check your result and it is good you print it so you don’t keep wasting your data and time checking your result.

again you can print your jamb result as many times as possible or as many times you like to print it. to have it beautified you can print it colored but this will be expensive than the black and white.

Can I Check JAMB Result On Phone?

yes yes, nothing stops you from checking your result from your android or iPhones. unless you are using Nokia touch phone and even at that, jamb has made it possible for you to use short code to check your result on Nokia touch light phone.

So you can check your result on phone (android or iPhone), iPad, laptops etc..

FAQ as Regards Checking of JAMB Result

Here are FAQ about jamb result and we are here to answer all your questions
– in full words it means frequently asked questions, this are questions raised by JAMB candidates.

We stay up to date, getting relevant answers from jamb.
you will amazed how this article will be of help to you.

How long will it take before I check my JAMB result after the exam?

Hear this, jamb will never mark your question manually. rather it is a software that will mark it and this means your result are already marked after few hours of the exam. So be patient because jamb will take a little time to check against fraud, manipulation and malpractices in centers across all jamb CBT centres.

So when do we expect to see our results? Well you should expect to see your results any moment from now. result are uploaded once everything have been checked against malpractice and jamb is satisfied then every results will be accessible online.

Will I need a scratch card to check my UTME result?

you will not be needing any scratch card to check your jamb result. right now it is free. just with your jamb registration number you can access your result online or with your sim card you can also access your result.

Can I check my JAMB result on phone?

Very well, you can check your jamb result through your phone using the short code option. Likewise you can as well check it online with your phone if your phone is an Internet enabled phone and it is actually connected to the Internet.

How is Jamb Result Mark Calculate

here is how jamb mark your script using a particular formula. so lets discuss how it is done.

Let’s dive into how Jamb mark the script of every candidate and determined a cut off mark.

Let’s take for an example, jamb gave you 40 set of unique questions, and your performance was wow and you smashed everything, getting 100% and it’s like chemistry for example.

  • Just like we assumed, the Total mark obtained by thecandidate for chemistry =40
  • The JAMB total score for physics =40
  • Total percentage obtained by the candidate =100%

What if the candidate performance is a little lower , let’s say the candidates scored 25, what do you think will happen? Practically, it means your 25 *100/40= 62. 5

now again, if the said candidate performed very poor, getting like 10 score ,it means your 10 *100/40=25

This system is actually new and its cool. it was introduced by JAMB not too long. So if you happen to get a high score then you are expected to benefit from this marking scheme. but if otherwise then it can crashed your performance at the end of the day.

Does it apply to English language?

yes, actually the marking system is for all subjects. science or art, maths or English, etc are all marked just like this.

How to check your JAMB admission status on CAPS

I know You must by now heard about the jamb CAPS. Well it’s just an admission process of a thing .

  • to get started, just use your browser of an Internet device either on mobile / PC
  • log to this JAMB eFacility Portal through the link below http://jamb.gov.ng/efacility
  • use your password and email to gain access to your profile
  • now on your device screen on jamb profile, you got to see see ‘Check… The year… UTME/DE Admission Status’ on CAPS. Now you should Click on it
  • then click on “Admission status”.
  • your details should display now.
  • There are two things you will see “Accept Admission” and “Decline Admission” this only shows up if any university has offered you a spot or an admission.
  • If you are satisfied or not you should either “Accept Admission” and “Decline Admission” button.

How To Check My UTME Result Via Jamb Mobile Service

  • you can download JAMB app from Google Play or App Store for android and iPhone users
  • now you should Search for ‘JAMB Mobile Services e-Facility’
  • Download and install the app.
  • Launch It
  • Provide your correct jamb Registration number and’ Check your result’

JAMB Results Release Status 2023/2024

Jamb will only release results when all candidates must have written. take note

  1. 25th April UTME Exam – Results is Out ✓
  2. 26th April UTME Exam – Results is Out ✓
  3. 27th April UTME Exam – Results is ✓
  4. 28th April UTME Exam – Results is ✓
  5. 29th April UTME Exam – Results is Out ✓
  6. 1th may UTME Exam – Results is Out ✓
  7. 2nd may UTME Exam – Results is Out ✓
  8. 3rd May UTME Exam – Results is Out ✓
  9. 4th May UTME Exam – Results is Out ✓

JAMB 2023 Results Status

Date Exam Result Status
6th may JAMB UTME will be Released
7th may JAMB UTME will be Released
9th may JAMB UTME will be Released
10th may JAMB UTME will be Released
12th may JAMB UTME will be Released
13th may JAMB UTME will be Released
14th may JAMB UTME will be Released
15th may JAMB UTME will be Released
16th may JAMB UTME will be Released

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Photo of author
Written By Michael Larry


164 thoughts on “JAMB Result Checker 2023/2024 Using Registration Number on Portal/Via SMS”

  1. I own a cyber cafe and i have a problem with printing the jamb results of my customers.
    Is the result not yet out!!!!

    • My own email I used has been disabled and the SMS has been locked by MTN I don’t know what to do now

  2. First of all, when I login to the jamb portal, I don’t see anything but the jamb logo
    Second, when I try my email address, they will say incorrect email address or password
    Is it because I did not register with my email
    I’m confused why can’t I see it because I’ve been trying for a very long time now
    Or the results are not out yet because they are saying that they are out

  3. This page provided a link to the jamb portal but when I click on it , this same page reloads. I don’t get

  4. I wrote my exam last week Saturday and have been trying to check my result since yesterday, using the 5digits but is saying message not sent and I have enough airtime

  5. Please the email i used to register for jamb has been hacked because I can’t login with it anymore so how do i check my jamb result

  6. I’ve sent RESULT to 55019 since morning twice and 100 naira have been deducted from my account and still I didn’t see any messages for my result


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